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No one will Share their Secrets!!!!


The Affiliate Marketing Industry can be a pain if you read too many people's articles and opinions.

Everybody who does affiliate marketing has their own ways and secrets to the trade. (Which they will all try to sell to you for a fee). The truth is, if there is a secret to becoming a top earning affiliate, it will remain, by definition, a secret.

Here's the thing, If I have a secret to making money and I share it with everyone, everyone will want in on it. In simple terms we'll all be utilizing the same method and sharing all that revenue that could all belong to me. So don't think that you'll get everybody's secret to making money online.

Trial and error is always the best way to learn. Don’t confuse yourself by reading too many e-books about the same subject. Get one that works for you and work on building your own systems. There are a lot of free e-books out there from the likes of John Chow and Yaro Starak. They area all claiming to be making tens of thousands of dollars.

Maybe you and I will too in a few years time.


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