Writting to the Bank
So I discovered Squidoo (check out my lensography). Life could not be better. There's so much to do and learn there. Its like a community on its own. Its wonderful. The ad revenue share is impressive nad you can make as much money as you want. Obviously i'm exxagerating but compare that with TPC nad you'll understand what i'm on about. $200 a month if you work a bit hard is not all that bad if you are in South Africa like me. It would be around R1600. This is only from one stream.
Associated Content pays very little if you are not American. They pay only $1.50 for 1000 page views. so I opted out of it. If you are in the US you can join because then you get paid a cut of hte ad revenue that your page generates. I really dont have enough information on this one as i was discouraged by the fact that If i do start writing for them, I'll only be getting paid [er view. I'll have to do a whole lot of marketing for a few cents. Not very encouraging if you ask me!
Hubpages is also not that bad. I haven't really started writing there as yet but I'm hoping to start as soon as my addiction for Squidoo dies down a bit. Hubpages is not very different from Squidoo but Squidoo looks much better and has a larger community. You can get as creative as you would in Squidoo and have just as much fun.
Helium, (check out my page there) is for the serious writers. you have to really do your research before you publish an article. there's not a lot of room for creativity there. but they pay really well. You get $5 for your first article. If you earn a writing star you can start earning upfront payments for your articles. Other than that you just get a share of ad revenue. which is not much, but depends on the number of articles you've published.
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